Wednesday, July 8, 2009

More Tales From The Crypt

A search is on for the source of a maggot infestation in the operating theaters of the Royal Children’s Hospital in Aberdeen. The discovery has caused the closure of three operating rooms, and postponement of procedures.

Two “decontamination cleans” have been carried out, and surgical procedures are scheduled to go ahead on Monday and Tuesday.

The general manager of child health services, said: (bureaucratic language alert!) “I can reassure parents that at no time were any children at risk of coming into contact with the maggots.”…

“Clearly infestation of this kind is very unpleasant, and our advisers will continue to try throughout the day to identify the source. I am satisfied this is not a reflection on staff or standards of cleanliness in the hospital.”

Yes, this is a scare story from the United Kingdom. But in spite of the theater of Mr. Obama’s Health Care town halls, he and his advisers are already talking about rationing. Old people nearing their statistical life expectancy should not expect anything expensive. There is a reason why the “town halls” are filled with Obama supporters, the questions are submitted in advance, no dissent or criticism or unpleasant questions are allowed.

President Obama talks about saving money, better care, everyone insured, but this is nonsense, once again. A major way to reduce costs is to bring some sanity to medical liability. Doctors’ costs for liability insurance are astronomical. The cost is high because of “pain and suffering” awards. That is, if a doctor, for example, cuts off the wrong leg, ordinary damages should make the victim of malpractice whole.

“Pain and suffering” damages, which supposedly recompense you for your unhappy feelings, are where trial lawyers make their outrageous fees and where they earned their sleazy reputations. A limit on the amount of such awards might stop trial lawyers from “channeling dead children” to arouse sympathy.

Much of President Obama’s financial support comes from trial lawyers. There will be no limits on trial lawyers. Which is why Obama was booed at his American Medical Association speech

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I have 4 children, and many grand kids. I love scrapbooking, cooking with family and friends, painting Rousseau like canvas's, creating glass beaded works of art, collect frogs with crowns. I like to work with people selling property.