The American Medical Association, a physicians organization with 250,000 members has informed the Obama administration that it strongly opposes the public health care plan being put forth by the current legislature and Obama administration.
The AMA feels that a public healthcare option would be implemented using a low cost feature subsidized by the federal government. This public option would under-price the private options causing a flood of customers to drop the private care options and enroll in the public option, thus driving costs ever higher and beyond the nation's ability to keep pace.
If private insurers are pushed out of the market, the group said, "the corresponding surge in public plan participation would likely lead to an explosion of costs that would need to be absorbed by taxpayers."
Also important in the AMA argument is that physicians do not want to be forced into the program. But, any Doctor that accepts Medicare payments for treating patients would be forced to join the program.
Under a proposal favored by many Democrats, doctors who take Medicare patients would also have to participate in the new public plan. Democrats say that requirement is needed to make sure the public plan can go into business right away with a large network of doctors. The medical association said it "cannot support any plan design that mandates physician participation." For one thing, it said, "many physicians and providers may not have the capability to accept the influx of new patients that could result from such a mandate."
"In addition," the A.M.A. said, "federal programs traditionally have never required physician or other provider participation, but rather such participation has been on a voluntary basis." Here is what bothers me right now: The Obama administration has been developing precedent for this very thing. Let's use the auto industry as an example, shall we? The Obama administration makes the claim that the industry is falling apart and without government intervention will be bankrupt. They force an infusion of federal monies into the system and then demand adherence to the later imposed regulations. This is the exact same argument they will make for health care. They will claim that the system is broken and can't wait any longer. They will force federal monies into the system and demand adherence to new policies put forth after the infusion of monies.
The camel already has its nose under the edge of the tent by allowing the federal government to demand adherence through the use of Medicare funding. So Doctors are being presented with the option of 'joining' the plan or 'losing valuable customers'. In other words, it is 'Obama's way or the highway". Once the Doctors are in the system then they will be forced to take pay cuts as mandated by the "Pay Czar" that is new in town.
Folks, Obama is the real deal. He is determined to bring us to socialism and he has the recipe that will work. We are watching a scary moment in time as our capitalist system gets rewired for socialism. Obama has nationalized our banks, our auto industry and very soon our health care system. This has all happened in the first 150 days of his administration.
Unforced Variations: Mar 2025
This month’s open thread on climate topics. Despite everything going on,
please avoid generic political arguments – there are many other places on
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