Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Or so says the latest report from former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. This report details that about 300,000,000 people are directly and seriously affected by the 'silent crisis', but he is so concerned about the 300,000 that die each year, mostly in 3rd world countries. Read some details here: http://news.aol.com/article/cl...

Speaking to CNN's Becky Anderson in London on Friday, Annan said the migration of people from newly uninhabitable areas presents a security issue that needs to be addressed by the United Nations Security Council. "This is one of the reasons why I've described climate change as all encompassing," he told CNN. "This threat to our health, this threat to food production, this threat to security. It raises political tensions, it will have people on the move -- and they are on the move -- and many more which will bring tensions." Newly uninhabitable areas are causing people to move in order to survive and this is what is causing the deaths!

Let me tell you what I know about this situation. First, Kofi Annan comes from a family of criminals and if you don't believe that then please Google 'Food for Oil Scandal' and see read about his son's and brother's involvement with scandalizing a UN program to provide food to poor people. Second, the primary reason people in these 3rd world countries are moving is not because of climate change, but rather because they are generally nomadic tribes that are constantly and historically on the move. These nomadic cattle herdsman must move by definition of being herdsmen. Their cattle must eat and constantly be fed, which requires moving from location to location across the African continent. It is the grazing process that kills the vegetation and everntually strips off the topsoil causing it to wash away. This is called desertification, it is not climate change.

If you don't believe me then please read this article regarding the ongoing trouble in Africa caused by the nomadic lifestyle and inconsistent rainfall over the last 40 years. http://www.faqs.org/minorities...

Here is a great website defining desertification: http://alliance.la.asu.edu/mod...

Nomadic tribes, who inhabit the Sahel, raise herds of cattle, sheep, goats, and camels. Since the nomads depend upon the Sahel for grazing their livestock, they travel across the Sahel in search of grasslands. Unfortunately, due to rapid population growth and recent droughts, the fragile vegetation of the Sahel is being destroyed by the practice of overgrazing. Overgrazing occurs when nomadic herders allow too many animals to graze on the land for an extended period of time. This causes the natural grasses to die out. Without plant life, there is nothing left to hold down the precious topsoil, the layer of nutrient-rich soil that enables plants to grow. Dry winds then blow away the naked topsoil and sand from the Sahara's fringes overtakes the land. This "spreading of deserts" into once productive grasslands is called desertification and it is occurring at an alarming rate in the Sahel. But, never underestimate Kofi Annan's desire to rip off suckers like the ones currently running our federal government. He will tap into the 'global warming' psychosis plaguing America and get billions for his little report. The beauty is that the US gets to feel guilty about hurting poor little African kids and we get to hand over our hard earned money to help. It's a win-win for every moonbat across the country....

People, global warming/climate change is crap. This idea about the earth burning up is crazy and it is increasingly being used to pry our hard earned money from our hands by a government that loves feeling guilty about being big and strong. Kofi Annan should be in jail, not writing bullsh*t reports that will be used to cripple our economy, destroy our jobs and reduce us to one of the 3rd world countries.

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