Thursday, March 25, 2010


Roy Beck was criminally assaulted Sunday, March 21, on Washington's National Mall by opponents of free speech coordinated by the Service Employees International Union. Roy was there to cover the pro-amnesty march. S.E.I.U. is the pro-illegal immigration union connected in media accounts with political intimidation and assaults in recent years.  What happened Sunday continues S.E.I.U.'s and its allies' months-long strategy of dogging Roy's every public appearance, trying to shout him down or hounding event organizers to bar him from speaking. We have never tried to deny them their freedom of speech. But this time the S.E.I.U. went much further. It sent a team of attorneys dressed as "mimes" and S.E.I.U. employees to stalk, push, shove, harass and whistle down Roy and his TV crew for several hours. It was very aggressive, including incitement of the crowd toward violence. Roy filed criminal assault charges against the mimes and their S.E.I.U. organizers, who spent hours trying to block our webcast. (All of this can be seen and heard on the homepage of When the Federal Park Police finally ordered the S.E.I.U. agitators to move away from Roy and our TV crew, one of the "mimes" took the confrontation to a new low by falsely accusing one of our colleagues of assaulting her -- some three hours after it supposedly took place! The Park Police, acting on the word of the agitators, hand-cuffed and arrested our colleague on the National Mall. (We got him out of custody before the night was over, but he still must fight the pending criminal charge in court!)

+ + + defend our wronged colleague to the hilt, including paying all his legal fees;
+ + + prosecute the opponents of free speech who assaulted Roy and tried to prevent our message from being heard;
+ + + stop physical violence and intimidation by our opponents by all legal and peaceful means. We are exploring appropriate remedies against the S.E.I.U.

For complete details of everything that happened on Sunday, go to the homepage. It is explained at length in Roy's blogs and can be seen and heard on video clips.

+ + + Are we going to stand by and let our leader Roy Beck be constantly stalked -- even assaulted -- without adequate response?
+ + + More personally, are YOU willing to allow those who are already DEMANDING AMNESTY for 11 - 19 million illegal aliens to SILENCE NUMBERSUSA AND YOU about the subject?
+ + + Will you stand with us to stop physical violence against those who speak out against amnesty?
+ + + Will you help us defend our colleague and prosecute those who assaulted Roy?

This is a declaration of war. Remember me talking about the $30 million that our opponents have raised to shove an illegal alien amnesty down America's throat this year? Well, they are spending the money--big-time. And we've got to get ready. A week from Sunday, on March 21, our opponents will be busing as many as 100,000 pro-amnesty protestors to Washington, D.C., to march on the Capitol and demand an immediate amnesty for (in many cases) themselves and other illegal aliens now residing in America, taking our jobs and drawing our benefits. Did you read that carefully? 100,000 pro-amnesty protesters! Remember the illegal alien marches of three years ago. American flags being burned. Angry speeches and ugly scenes. They are not asking for an amnesty, they are demanding one.
Starting a week from Friday, we're going to throw everything we've got against them. We've got a very, very aggressive 4-day plan to counter their efforts we're calling "S.T.O.P. Amnesty." The "S" in STOP stands for Speak Out. The "T" stands for Teach. The "O" stands for Organize. And the "P" stands for Protect U.S. Workers. This thing is going to be big. VERY big, as you'll read below. So big, in fact, that it may bust the bank. AND THAT'S WHY I'VE GOT TO ASK TO BUST YOUR PIGGY BANK THIS MONTH AND MAKE YOUR FIRST CONTRIBUTION TO NUMBERSUSA. 100,000 angry, demanding, in many cases illegal demonstrators are coming here to Washington to DEMAND amnesty. WWill we let them pressure Congress into folding on this issue? I say "NO" Here's our plan. On FRIDAY, March 19, we will send our Local Power Teams to visit the local, district offices of every member of Congress. (You will have your own invitation to be part of this effort in other emails.) Did you read this carefully? We're going to visit the local, district offices of every Member of Congress! Nothing on this scale has ever been attempted by us before. UPDATE: NumbersUSA members visited over 400 Congressional district offices with over 7,000 activists last Friday!
These visits will demonstrate one huge difference between the opposition and us. THEY'VE got millions of bucks and rented buses. Just like a labor union or a military dictatorship, they can turn out a giant crowd to wave flags and shout slogans in whatever language is known by them.What WE have is Voters. Almost a million voters who are members of NumbersUSA. An additional million who've signed a one of our petitions or asked to be sent updates. These people are U.S. citizens. They all vote. In every election. They are all politically involved. One Saturday, March 20, we concentrate on teaching our members and faxing your Members of Congress and preparing to understand and respond to what's coming the next day. UPDATE: Faxes actually sent over four days -- 149,216!
Sunday, March 21, is D-day. Thousands of chartered buses roll into Washington. We will have continuous LIVE REPORTING from the National Mall, covering the protest on the home page of NumbersUSA all day long. We ask that you STAY GLUED. Using new technology, NumbersUSA will be televised to you computer screen all day long. So turn up your speakers, gather round your neighbors, and take in our unique and exhaustive coverage. We are embedding our video reporters right into the crowd at the protest. And in a very unique and bold move, NumbersUSA president Roy Beck debate any and all comers at the protest who want to discuss immigration numbers, amnesty, the future of America, and other issues. THIS WILL ALL BE COVERED LIVE. You will see and hear this on your computer. All day long, you'll be able to participate by typing in your comments and questions on the home page. Comments and questions will be instantly read and responded to. UPDATE: Viewers of our special website coverage over the four-day S.T.O.P. Amnesty campaign -- 90,000 on our website with over 60,000 watching live on Sunday. On Monday, March 22 we have a very special panel of immigration experts, including Members of Congress, discussing the realities of immigration and amnesty (as opposed to the ridiculous claims our opponents will have been making the day before).

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I have 4 children, and many grand kids. I love scrapbooking, cooking with family and friends, painting Rousseau like canvas's, creating glass beaded works of art, collect frogs with crowns. I like to work with people selling property.