America suffered an atrocity of catastrophic proportions last night and it’s not clear if the nation will ever recover.On Sunday a few hours after Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) and his voting bloc sold out their country in order to advance legislation that nationalizes the healthcare industry, the infamous bill overwhelmingly opposed by the American people barely passed the House of Representatives on a vote of 219 to 212. Not a single Republican voted for the bill. (The screen grab above shows the moment, 10:45 p.m. Eastern, the 216-vote threshhold needed for passage was reached.) Because the measure was already approved by the Senate it goes straight to President Obama’s desk for his signature. Democrats expect the Senate bill will soon be amended to get rid of the corrupt giveaways in it (Sen. Ben Nelson’s Cornhusker Kickback and Sen. Mary Landrieu’s Louisiana Purchase) but they may be in for a rude shock because the Senate is under no obligation to accede to their wishes, but that’s a story for another day…
Slowly but surely medical doctors will become civil servants (and those who don’t will leave the profession), rationing boards (or death panels if you prefer) will decide who gets care and who doesn’t, hospitals will become like the DMV, and quality of care will suffer. Government healthcare kills so it is axiomatic that the legislation approved Sunday will end up killing people. In a sense March 21, 2010, may end up rivaling Sept. 11, 2001, in terms of its ultimate death toll. People will get on waiting lists and they will languish and die as they do in every country that has socialized medicine. If you get sick you better hope your illness is considered politically important enough to be treated or you won’t get treatment. If your disease has a strong enough lobby in Congress, then maybe you’ll live. If not, tough luck. Unless by some miracle this abominable legislation is reversed, historians will mark March 21, 2010, as the date on which America’s slide into impotence and irrelevance began as it prepared to take its place among the social(ist) democracies of Europe. After surviving four decades since its first suicide attempt, also known as the 1960s, America first issued a cry for help in November 2008 when the nation elected Barack Obama, a known leftist radical preternaturally comfortable in the presence of America-haters and terrorists, but the nation began to regain its senses a few months later and its will to live was restored. A Tea Party movement loosely modeled after the revolutionary protests that paved the way for America’s independence from Britain has helped America regain its will to live in the face of relentless statist and collectivist assaults. Let’s hope it’s not too late for America.
Unforced Variations: Mar 2025
This month’s open thread on climate topics. Despite everything going on,
please avoid generic political arguments – there are many other places on
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