Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Obama’s Unjust Remarks- STATE OF UNION ADDRESS

That union address was that sucker l-o-n-g. If I were to dissect every bit of deceptive rhetoric in it, this column would be even longer. That’s not going to happen. But there was one section that I found particularly outrageous. Before I get to it, however, I want to mention the folks who were sitting behind our Dissembler in Chief. Every time the camera showed Obama, there was Vice President Joe Biden behind his right shoulder and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi behind his left. Those two got to spend the entire evening staring at the President’s back. What fun.  I have to say Joe was the absolutely ideal audience. Every single expression that crossed his face—his smiles, his frowns, his chuckles, his glee—seemed perfectly timed to match to the script Obama was following. It was almost as though the Veep was an audioanimatronic creation of the Disney imagineers. Joe, you were perfect! I can’t say the same thing about Madame Speaker, though. For much of the President’s speech, Nancy Pelosi looked as though her mind was elsewhere… and she wished her body was, too. I had to wonder what thoughts were troubling her stern visage. Maybe she knows that her dreams of presiding over the socialization of America are over. Maybe she realizes her record and her reputation are heading straight for the dumpster. Whatever the reason, she looked nervous to me. Good. Now, on to the speech itself. Anyone expecting a milder, more conciliatory approach from the president had to have been disappointed. There were very few mea culpas in his 70-minute address. Instead, his basic message seemed to be that anyone who doesn’t support his programs just doesn’t understand them. So he’s going to ‘splain it all again. It reminded me of Desi talking to Lucy, but without the Cuban accent. The weekend before SOTU (that’s an abbreviation of State of the Union, in case you saw the acronym and wondered what it meant), Valerie Jarrett, one of Obama’s top advisers, appeared on Meet the Press. Asked if losing a super-majority in the Senate would change the president’s strategy, she replied, “He is going to fight for what he’s always been fighting for… We’re not hitting a reset button at all.” Even more telling was the president’s decision to bring David Plouffe, his 2008 campaign manager, into the White House. Plouffe immediately said that he’d be working to pass healthcare reform legislation “without delay.” His message for his fellow Democrats? “[Let’s] prove that we have the guts to govern. Let’s fight like hell.”
Doesn’t sound very conciliatory, does it? It’s got to be tough to be a conservative back-bencher at one of these performances. All of the president’s allies fill the first half of the House chamber. And by tradition, they’re supposed to cheer like crazy for every rhetorical flourish that comes out of his mouth, no matter how wrong or ridiculous it is. But the group I really felt sorry for this time were the six members of the U.S. Supreme Court who were in attendance. There they were, dressed in those flowing black robes and seated front and center, directly below the president. By tradition, the members of this august body are supposed to sit there looking straight ahead. They are not supposed to show any expression, no matter what the president says and no matter what the sycophants in the audience do. Under the best of circumstance, it’s got to be tough to sit there for an hour-plus without moving a facial muscle. But these weren’t the best of circumstances, because right in the middle of his speech the president lambasted them. The justices had to have been absolutely stunned to hear the president say: “Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests—including foreign corporations—to spend without limit in our elections. Well, I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities.” Even before he finished urging Congress to right this terrible wrong, hundreds of Democratic senators, congressmen and cabinet officers had jumped to their feet, cheering and applauding the president’s remarks. Talk about being blind-sided. As law professor Randy Barnett observed in The Wall Street Journal, “the head of the executive branch ambushed six members of the judiciary, and called up the legislative branch to deride them publicly.” But there was something worse than the president’s bad manners. It’s that his remarks weren’t true; the Supreme Court ruling had done no such thing. Yes, in a landmark case known as Citizens United, the Court had the previous week reversed a 1990 ban against political advertising by domestic corporations and labor unions. But it left standing a 100-year-old ban on foreign entities doing so. Yes, Barack Obama—an honored graduate of Harvard Law and one-time professor of Constitutional Law—had his facts wrong. Apparently, among the several dozen people who vetted the State of the Union Address, not a single one bothered to check the facts of the matter. While that’s awfully hard to believe, it’s better than the alternative—that Obama knew what he would say was false, and he just didn’t care.  The television coverage of that part of his speech got played over and over again on national TV. In numerous broadcasts, the scene was darkened so only one face showed clearly—that of Justice Samuel Alito. As the camera slowly focused on him, he could be seen shaking his head from side to side and mouthing the phrase, “not true.” But it could have been worse. He could have emulated Joe Wilson and shouted, “You lie!”

Barack’s Ignoble Award

Barack Hussein Obama won the highest honor that the elitists of the international left can bestow on one of their own. His very own Nobel Peace Prize. Imagine that! And what has our president done to deserve this lofty honor? Why, in the words of an infamous “Saturday Night Live” sketch, nothing, absolutely nothing. I’ll come back to that hilarious skit in a moment. But first, let’s look a little closer at the curious timing of Obama’s award. Did you know that the Nobel Committee’s own regulations require that all nominations be postmarked by Feb. 1? This means that—if the rules were followed—Barack Obama was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize a mere 12 days after he was sworn into office. Twelve days in office and he’s already being considered for a Nobel Peace Prize? Give me a break! Does anyone anywhere really believe that this is how it actually happened? Let me suggest something that strikes me as incredibly obvious: The Nobel Committee broke its own rules to give Obama the award. Can’t you imagine a committee meeting with someone shouting the Norwegian equivalent of “Rules? Rules? We don’t need no stinkin’ rules.” And of course it’s true. When it comes to honoring one of their own, and advancing the cause of their dubious socialist schemes, the elitists of the international left don’t need no stinkin’ rules. They can do whatever they want. That’s why they hate the very idea of being bound down by the chains of a constitution. These power-hungry sycophants always and everywhere love monopolies and dictatorships, so long as it’s one of their own who is in charge. That’s why they are so enraptured with the United Nations. But I digress. The plain and simple fact is that this year’s selection was rigged. This is far from the first time that the noble idea of a “peace prize” was prostituted to serve the ignoble ambitions of the left. Do you remember in 1994, when the Nobel Committee gave the honor to a thief and murderer named Yasser Arafat? It’s true that Arafat shared the award with the then-prime minister and foreign minister of Israel. But still, giving a “peace” prize to the father of modern terrorism? Arafat gloated about using the most heinous murder of innocent civilians to advance his aims. Oh, by the way, he also stole tens of millions of dollars from the very Palestinians he supposedly led to finance a life of luxury on the French Riviera and various world capitals. In a sane world, he would have been tried for murder and executed. Instead, he was the most frequent visitor to Bill Clinton’s White House among all so-called world leaders. What a travesty.
If that wasn’t enough to make you rush to the nearest vomitorium, how about the winners in 1973? In case you’ve forgotten, that’s when Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and North Vietnam’s Lu Duc Tho shared the award for negotiating the Vietnam peace accords. If you remember that Communists describe “peace” as “when all opposition has been eliminated,” then you’ll have to admit the committee got it right: Kissinger and gang made sure all opposition to a communist takeover of South Vietnam got slaughtered. Way to go, Mr. Secretary. But you don’t have to be a mass murderer, or even open the door to it, to be honored by the Nobel Committee. Slavish devotion to the left’s latest cause is often enough. How else would you explain the selection two years ago of former Vice President Al Gore? Even if you bought into all the skewed science and deliberate deceptions in “An Inconvenient Truth,” can you really contend with a straight face that he deserved a Nobel Peace Prize? Well, okay, I’ll grant you. He has done more to earn it than our Teleprompter-in-Chief. But that’s not saying much. By an extraordinary coincidence, two days before the award was announced, “Saturday Night Live” opened its Oct. 3 show with a skit skewering Barack Obama for accomplishing “nothing, absolutely nothing” since Inauguration Day. In case you missed it, the sketch featured actor Fred Armisen portraying the president and delivering a very sober speech to the American public. Here’s just part of that delicious put-down:  “There are those on the right who are angry. They think that I’m turning this great country into something that resembles the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. But that’s just not the case. When you look at my record, it’s very clear what I’ve done so far—and that is nothing. Nada. Almost one year and nothing to show for it.”  As he spoke, a checklist of promises appeared on the screen—global warming, immigration reform, gays in the military, limits on executive power, torture prosecutions, closing Guantanamo Bay, withdrawing from Iraq, healthcare reform, and so on. Armisen, as Obama, admitted very honestly how little his administration had accomplished. “Remember,” he said. “I can do whatever I want. I have a majority in both houses of Congress. I could make it mandatory for all gays to marry, and require all cars to run on marijuana. But do I? NO!”  He then closed with this wonderful admission: “So looking at this list, I’m seeing two big accomplishments: JACK and SQUAT!” You’ve got to admit, sometimes the liberals get it right. Until next time, keep some powder dry.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I’m hearing from more and more people that last night was a truly great night for conservatives in Utah as Bob Bennett’s supporters were largely denied delegate spots to the State Convention. Across Utah, in most major areas, Bob Bennett’s supporters were shut out. In Provo, Bennett was able to come in first, but barely edged out Mike Lee. I’m getting reports from across the state, north to south, east to west, that Bob Bennett had a very, very bad night in Utah. He’s now going to have to jockey for position with the others in the race. Here’s the key though — we need to rally around a guy like Mike Lee who appears to have done well. We don’t want Bennett trying to cut deals with the others.  Let’s hold their feet to the fire. Remember, Mitch McConnell said conservative dissatisfaction with Republican leadership is “not relevant.” We have the power to prove him wrong by tossing incumbent Republicans and more importantly this year rejecting the candidates the Washington Republicans have picked for us. At the end of the day, who do you think the NRSC backed candidates will be loyal to — the GOP leadership in DC or you?


"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force.
Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."

U.S. Pushes Pro-Abortion Language at U.N.

The United States Mission to the United Nations is being accused of pressuring pro-life countries to sign onto a document on maternal mortality that stresses abortion and birth control. Peter Smith with the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children and Jeanne Head of the National Right to Life Committee say the U.S. delegation, at the direction of the Obama administration, is pressuring other countries to drop their objections to pro-abortion language in the document. “We were told by different people that the U.S. was applying pressure to these countries who were pro-life,” Smith said. Head agreed: “Some were not allowed to put things in; they were pressured not to put things in. I would say it was pressure by stealth.” Measures to reduce maternal mortality have been known and practiced in the West for decades. They include blood transfusions, antibiotics for infection and treatment for high blood pressure. Life advocates are quick to add they do not include abortion.

The Real Cost of Health Care Reform

Tax increases are likely to top $500 billion over 10 years. The enactment of health care reform marked the beginning of one of the biggest tax hikes in American history. And families will pay the price. president Barack Obama signed the reform into law Tuesday and ushered in a massive tax increase for the American people. Democrats touted the plan as a way to reduce the deficit, but a closer inspection by Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) shows a cost in new taxes of more than $500 billion over 10 years. Such numbers will have a chilling effect on an economy that is already struggling. "You can’t take $500 billion out of the economy and not have anybody notice it," said Ryan Ellis, tax policy director at ATR. "There’s going to be quite a lot of pain." Robert Book, senior research fellow at The Heritage Foundation, said nearly all Americans will be affected. "There are a number of taxes in the bill designed to pay for health care," he said. "Most of these taxes are broad-based taxes that apply to pretty much everybody." And that means American families will ultimately pay a steep price. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that insurance premiums for a family of four will increase by $2,100 a year. FOR MORE INFORMATION Don't miss Thursday's Focus on the Family radio broadcast, in which Tom Minnery will discuss the fiscal impact of health care reform. You can also listen to special messages from Tuesday and today. What do pro-life Americans do now that Congress has passed a health care bill that includes federal funding for abortion? Stuart Shepard gets insights from Tom Minnery on what to do next.


Roy Beck was criminally assaulted Sunday, March 21, on Washington's National Mall by opponents of free speech coordinated by the Service Employees International Union. Roy was there to cover the pro-amnesty march. S.E.I.U. is the pro-illegal immigration union connected in media accounts with political intimidation and assaults in recent years.  What happened Sunday continues S.E.I.U.'s and its allies' months-long strategy of dogging Roy's every public appearance, trying to shout him down or hounding event organizers to bar him from speaking. We have never tried to deny them their freedom of speech. But this time the S.E.I.U. went much further. It sent a team of attorneys dressed as "mimes" and S.E.I.U. employees to stalk, push, shove, harass and whistle down Roy and his TV crew for several hours. It was very aggressive, including incitement of the crowd toward violence. Roy filed criminal assault charges against the mimes and their S.E.I.U. organizers, who spent hours trying to block our webcast. (All of this can be seen and heard on the homepage of When the Federal Park Police finally ordered the S.E.I.U. agitators to move away from Roy and our TV crew, one of the "mimes" took the confrontation to a new low by falsely accusing one of our colleagues of assaulting her -- some three hours after it supposedly took place! The Park Police, acting on the word of the agitators, hand-cuffed and arrested our colleague on the National Mall. (We got him out of custody before the night was over, but he still must fight the pending criminal charge in court!)

+ + + defend our wronged colleague to the hilt, including paying all his legal fees;
+ + + prosecute the opponents of free speech who assaulted Roy and tried to prevent our message from being heard;
+ + + stop physical violence and intimidation by our opponents by all legal and peaceful means. We are exploring appropriate remedies against the S.E.I.U.

For complete details of everything that happened on Sunday, go to the homepage. It is explained at length in Roy's blogs and can be seen and heard on video clips.

+ + + Are we going to stand by and let our leader Roy Beck be constantly stalked -- even assaulted -- without adequate response?
+ + + More personally, are YOU willing to allow those who are already DEMANDING AMNESTY for 11 - 19 million illegal aliens to SILENCE NUMBERSUSA AND YOU about the subject?
+ + + Will you stand with us to stop physical violence against those who speak out against amnesty?
+ + + Will you help us defend our colleague and prosecute those who assaulted Roy?

This is a declaration of war. Remember me talking about the $30 million that our opponents have raised to shove an illegal alien amnesty down America's throat this year? Well, they are spending the money--big-time. And we've got to get ready. A week from Sunday, on March 21, our opponents will be busing as many as 100,000 pro-amnesty protestors to Washington, D.C., to march on the Capitol and demand an immediate amnesty for (in many cases) themselves and other illegal aliens now residing in America, taking our jobs and drawing our benefits. Did you read that carefully? 100,000 pro-amnesty protesters! Remember the illegal alien marches of three years ago. American flags being burned. Angry speeches and ugly scenes. They are not asking for an amnesty, they are demanding one.
Starting a week from Friday, we're going to throw everything we've got against them. We've got a very, very aggressive 4-day plan to counter their efforts we're calling "S.T.O.P. Amnesty." The "S" in STOP stands for Speak Out. The "T" stands for Teach. The "O" stands for Organize. And the "P" stands for Protect U.S. Workers. This thing is going to be big. VERY big, as you'll read below. So big, in fact, that it may bust the bank. AND THAT'S WHY I'VE GOT TO ASK TO BUST YOUR PIGGY BANK THIS MONTH AND MAKE YOUR FIRST CONTRIBUTION TO NUMBERSUSA. 100,000 angry, demanding, in many cases illegal demonstrators are coming here to Washington to DEMAND amnesty. WWill we let them pressure Congress into folding on this issue? I say "NO" Here's our plan. On FRIDAY, March 19, we will send our Local Power Teams to visit the local, district offices of every member of Congress. (You will have your own invitation to be part of this effort in other emails.) Did you read this carefully? We're going to visit the local, district offices of every Member of Congress! Nothing on this scale has ever been attempted by us before. UPDATE: NumbersUSA members visited over 400 Congressional district offices with over 7,000 activists last Friday!
These visits will demonstrate one huge difference between the opposition and us. THEY'VE got millions of bucks and rented buses. Just like a labor union or a military dictatorship, they can turn out a giant crowd to wave flags and shout slogans in whatever language is known by them.What WE have is Voters. Almost a million voters who are members of NumbersUSA. An additional million who've signed a one of our petitions or asked to be sent updates. These people are U.S. citizens. They all vote. In every election. They are all politically involved. One Saturday, March 20, we concentrate on teaching our members and faxing your Members of Congress and preparing to understand and respond to what's coming the next day. UPDATE: Faxes actually sent over four days -- 149,216!
Sunday, March 21, is D-day. Thousands of chartered buses roll into Washington. We will have continuous LIVE REPORTING from the National Mall, covering the protest on the home page of NumbersUSA all day long. We ask that you STAY GLUED. Using new technology, NumbersUSA will be televised to you computer screen all day long. So turn up your speakers, gather round your neighbors, and take in our unique and exhaustive coverage. We are embedding our video reporters right into the crowd at the protest. And in a very unique and bold move, NumbersUSA president Roy Beck debate any and all comers at the protest who want to discuss immigration numbers, amnesty, the future of America, and other issues. THIS WILL ALL BE COVERED LIVE. You will see and hear this on your computer. All day long, you'll be able to participate by typing in your comments and questions on the home page. Comments and questions will be instantly read and responded to. UPDATE: Viewers of our special website coverage over the four-day S.T.O.P. Amnesty campaign -- 90,000 on our website with over 60,000 watching live on Sunday. On Monday, March 22 we have a very special panel of immigration experts, including Members of Congress, discussing the realities of immigration and amnesty (as opposed to the ridiculous claims our opponents will have been making the day before).

Monday, March 22, 2010

America Rising An Open Letter to Democrat Politicians

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Gimme Back My Bullets - Support the American Republic

The Philosophy of Liberty


Health Care Insurance is NOT A RIGHT - Part 1 of 2

Health Care is NOT A RIGHT - Part 2 of 2

Ronald Reagan on Socialism & Liberalism

Heritage Foundations Response

March 21, 2010 Is A Date That Will Live In Infamy

America suffered an atrocity of catastrophic proportions last night and it’s not clear if the nation will ever recover.On Sunday a few hours after Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) and his voting bloc sold out their country in order to advance legislation that nationalizes the healthcare industry, the infamous bill overwhelmingly opposed by the American people barely passed the House of Representatives on a vote of 219 to 212. Not a single Republican voted for the bill. (The screen grab above shows the moment, 10:45 p.m. Eastern, the 216-vote threshhold needed for passage was reached.) Because the measure was already approved by the Senate it goes straight to President Obama’s desk for his signature. Democrats expect the Senate bill will soon be amended to get rid of the corrupt giveaways in it (Sen. Ben Nelson’s Cornhusker Kickback and Sen. Mary Landrieu’s Louisiana Purchase) but they may be in for a rude shock because the Senate is under no obligation to accede to their wishes, but that’s a story for another day…
Slowly but surely medical doctors will become civil servants (and those who don’t will leave the profession), rationing boards (or death panels if you prefer) will decide who gets care and who doesn’t, hospitals will become like the DMV, and quality of care will suffer. Government healthcare kills so it is axiomatic that the legislation approved Sunday will end up killing people. In a sense March 21, 2010, may end up rivaling Sept. 11, 2001, in terms of its ultimate death toll. People will get on waiting lists and they will languish and die as they do in every country that has socialized medicine. If you get sick you better hope your illness is considered politically important enough to be treated or you won’t get treatment. If your disease has a strong enough lobby in Congress, then maybe you’ll live. If not, tough luck. Unless by some miracle this abominable legislation is reversed, historians will mark March 21, 2010, as the date on which America’s slide into impotence and irrelevance began as it prepared to take its place among the social(ist) democracies of Europe. After surviving four decades since its first suicide attempt, also known as the 1960s, America first issued a cry for help in November 2008 when the nation elected Barack Obama, a known leftist radical preternaturally comfortable in the presence of America-haters and terrorists, but the nation began to regain its senses a few months later and its will to live was restored. A Tea Party movement loosely modeled after the revolutionary protests that paved the way for America’s independence from Britain has helped America regain its will to live in the face of relentless statist and collectivist assaults. Let’s hope it’s not too late for America.

Obama Care...Pelosi Care..Democrat Care... Arent We Lucky!

The President was right about one thing: The vote on Obamacare last night was a historic one. The Democratic Party has in the course of the nine-month health care debate revealed itself to be an anti-democratic Party and an anti-liberty party. It is a party that has demonstrated its contempt for the Constitutional framework, for the democratic process, and for the expressed will of the American people. Its brazen contempt for the compact that holds the diverse factions of this country together has initiated a political war at home that will extend not only into the next elections but into the next generations that will be encumbered with the trillions in debt and oppressive government controls that the socialist majority in Congress has demonstrated that it is intent on inflicting on this country.The people of this nation are still sovereign, and their voice will be heard. Last night’s vote was lost but it is not the end of the battle. It is the beginning. I want my country back! It seems like the ultra-liberals have been able to bribe and coerce enough congress-scumbags to pass the Obamacare. And as I said before, there would be hell to pay for this monstrosity. Obamacare is the very definition of unlimited government - the threat of which was forwarned by the Founding Fathers more than two centuries ago. The federal government, which is up to its neck in debt and unfunded liabilities, decided to launch the biggest entitlement of all times – the medical care for all. The spending on this new entitlement will surely dwarf many if not most of Federal programs and will make the bankruptcy of federal and state governments inevitable. The time of reckoning is at hand, brothers and sisters. Obamacare is the last breath of the liberal order – and it’s time to take America back from the party of thieves and looters. From now on, there is no coming back for the liberal elites, no talk of compromise and middle-ground. Today, it is abundantly clear that we either will live in Obama-America or America that our Founding Father envisioned. You cannot have both. The November elections will be the most important elections in our lifetime. If you don’t vote for America in November – you don’t deserve to be called an American. This is an outrage of a bill passed by liars, thieves, and whores. This cannot, and will not stand. Americans who value freedom will stand up to this, use any means necessary to fight and repeal this terrible action. I encourage everyone to start recall campaigns for against all the Democrats who voted for this thing, as it is clear that they have usurped their power. This November, We, the People must send every incumbent home to face the voters in their individual states. I intend to question my state government about bringing charges against each one of them for failing to uphold their oath of office. You have lived the nightmare of lost freedoms, we are near living that nightmare in what was formerly the "Shining light on a Hill". God Bless..............

Friday, March 12, 2010


Indoctrinate U pt.2/10

The Obama Deception HQ Full length version





Open Letter to President Obama About Rationing

"CBS radio news this morning ran a clip of one of your recent speeches. In it, you criticize insurance companies because they “ration coverage … according to who can pay and who can’t.”

My first thought was “not exactly; coverage is rationed according to who pays and who doesn’t.” Ability to pay isn’t the same thing as actually paying, and what insurers care about is the latter. Many folks – especially young adults – have the ability to pay but choose not to do so. They get no coverage.

But further pondering of your point leads me to look beyond such nit-picking to see fascinating possibilities. Not only insurers, but all producers who greedily refuse to supply persons who don’t pay should be set aright. Now I’m sure that you don’t ration the supply of the books you write according to any criteria as sordid as requiring people actually to pay for them. But our society is full of people less enlightened than you.

For example, the typical worker rations his labor services according to who pays and who doesn’t. That must stop. Oh, and supermarkets! Every single one rations groceries according to who pays. Likewise with restaurants, clothing stores, home-builders, furniture makers, even lawyers! You name it, rationing is done according to who pays. Indeed, my own county government has been corrupted by this greedy attitude: if I don’t pay my taxes, the sheriff takes my house – effectively booting me out of the county merely because I didn’t pay for its services.

I look forward to your changing this selfish and unfair system of rationing that for too long now has kept Americans impoverished.

Donald J. Boudreaux, Professor of Economics
George Mason University


Quotes from our Heroes

Abraham Lincoln

 "Surely God would not have created such a being as man, with an ability to grasp the infinite, to exist only for a day! No, no, man was made for immortality."
"Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.""Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."
"If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it."

Abigail Adams

"Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence."
“If we mean to have heroes, statesmen and philosophers, we should have learned women.”
"I've always felt that a person's intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting points of view he can entertain simultaneously on the same topic."

Benjamin Franklin

"The idea of what is true merit should also be often presented to youth, explained and impressed on their minds, as consisting in an inclination joined with an ability to serve mankind, one's country, friends and family; which ability is (with the blessing of God) to be acquired or greatly increased by true learning; and should indeed be the great aim and end of all learning." "I think with you, that nothing is of more importance for the public weal, than to form and train up youth in wisdom and virtue. Wise and good men are in my opinion, the strength of the state; more so than riches or arms.... I think also, that general virtue is more probably to be expected and obtained from the education of youth, than from the exhortations of adult persons; bad habits and vices of the mind being, like diseases of the body, more easily prevented [in youth] than cured [in adults]. I think, moreover, that talents for the education of youth are the gift God; and that he on whom they are bestowed, whenever a way is opened for the use of them, is as strongly called as if he heard a voice from heaven…."

George Washington

"A primary object ... should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important? And what duty more pressing ... than communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country?" "The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing is a vice so mean and low that every person of sense and character detests and despises it." "We should not look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought experience."

Henry Adams

"Teachers touch eternity. They never know where their influence stops." "They know enough who know how to learn."

James Monroe

"Let us by wise and constitutional measures promote intelligence among the people as the best means of preserving our liberties." "What spectacle can be more edifying or more seasonable, than that of Liberty and Learning, each leaning on the other for their mutual and surest support?" "A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."

Samuel Adams

"If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved. This will be their great security."

Thomas Jefferson

"An honest heart being the first blessing, a knowing head is the second." "Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government;... whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights."







History of Communism and Facism Part II

History of Communism and Facism Part I

Thursday, March 11, 2010


They were stolen from their homes, locked in chains and taken across an ocean. And for more than 200 years, their blood and sweat would help to build the richest and most powerful nation the world has ever known.
But when slavery ended, their welcome was over. America's wealthy elite had decided it was time for them to disappear and they were not particular about how it might be done. What you are about to see is that the plan these people set in motion 150 years ago is still being carried out today. So don't think that this is history. It is not. It is happening right here, and it's happening right now.

I'm a white father of a black child (adopted) and I'm angry at what this country has done to children and parents of children like my son. EVERYONE needs to see this film and take action to stop the farce called 'Planned Parenthood

This film is mandatory viewing for everyone concerned with the future of Black Americans and all people. African Americans are just the beginning. If you think the eugenicist Planned Parenthood agenda will end with the Black race you're mistaken. Witness? Oregon's physician assisted suicide law! Maafa21 a well done thoroughly researched production. Buy it, shout it, show it!

Businesses don't pay taxes

Secretary Sebelius: whatever taxes you levy on insurance companies are not “ultimately” paid by those companies. Not one red cent of them. Those taxes are paid by people in four groups:

Policyholders who pay for insurance directly or in lieu of wages if provided by employers – via higher premiums and/or reduced benefits.
Employers buying health insurance for workers, who must then raise prices on goods and services, including milk and diapers – also known as inflation.
Wage earners who see jobs eliminated or full-time jobs replaced with part-time positions without benefits, and wages frozen or cut back – also known as unemployment and under-employment.
Shareholders and investors whose capital is essential to the stability of the entire industry (Every extra $1 you take from them in taxes is $1 taken out of private capital markets and poured into the bottomless pit of the trillions-sized deficit.)
You need to stop selling the public this despicable fairy tale. No insurance company can be taxed. Ever. It can be made to collect taxes from others and put them in a box and ship them to Washington. But it can’t be forced to pay taxes. Whatever tax you aim at insurance companies misses by a country mile and lands squarely in the laps of every working American.
Any such tax actually taxes every consumer of anything and everything – and not just those earning over $250,000.00. It’s not a something-for-nothing gift of health care from a government that merely grabs money from evil, heartless, rich insurance companies. It is sneaky, sleazy theft from everybody but insurance companies. Be ashamed.
If you’re spinning such nonsense out of honest ignorance, please, sit down with the owner of any business, large or small, and ask him to draw you a little picture. He’ll help you understand who pays your taxes and who doesn’t; who is punished and who can’t be punished with taxes. He can use little stick figures and different colors.
If you aren’t this ignorant, but are a knowledgeable liar, why? Are you really the kind of person to set aside any shred of integrity in order to push forward Obama’s fiction? Again, why?
It’d be nice to see somebody besides Sen. Judd Gregg refuse to be used as pawns and poster-children and lying weasels by the president. It’d be nice to see a “journalist” ask a tough, direct question, too.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



We, the Free Citizens of the United States, do hereby resolve that the currently elected government of the United States, comprised at this time of both the Executive Branch (Obama Administration) and the Legislative Branch (111th U.S. Congress), have knowingly and willfully violated their sworn oath,

“…to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

We the People have closely considered the matters at hand, and find, therefore, that

1. War On Free Speech. The President has sought to silence the voices of free American citizens properly engaged in the exercise of their First Amendment rights. He has improperly utilized the power and influence of his High Office to intimidate his political opponents as they have expressed their lawful and legitimate concerns over his policies. Among many examples to be cited he has publicly declared, “I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking…I want them to just get out of the way so we can clean up the mess…I don’t mind cleaning up after them…but don’t do a lot of talking!”

2. War On American Commerce and American Global Economic Leadership. The President and his Administration have proposed, and then vigorously pursued, the enactment into law of onerous new limitations over the lives and freedoms of all Americans in order to exert enormous and expensive new governmental bureaucracies designed to restrict the rightful freedoms of private Americans, and cap the production and distribution of the nation’s essential energy supplies.

3. Raiding The United States Treasury. The President and the Congress have committed the nation to massive new deficit spending bills by passing into law $787 Billion in new deficits – without ever having read the legislation before it was voted and passed

4. War On The Individual. The Administration has increasingly elevated and pursued its own concepts of “Diversity” rather than the ideals of individual liberties – in so doing it has failed to protect the equal Constitutional rights of all free American citizens.

5. War On Private Property. The President has proposed and willfully participated in the seizure of private property, violated the individual property rights of free Americans, and bypassed long-established U.S. legal precedent and procedure – as in the cases of the bankruptcies of General Motors and Chrysler. In so doing, he has circumvented the laws of the United States and trampled on the rights of individual American shareholders and creditors. He has assumed dictatorial powers by intervening in the operational control over private companies, unilaterally firing the Chief Executive Officer of General Motors, in order to appoint his own handpicked successor. He has confiscated the assets and the substantial financial remains and resources owned and controlled by creditors and shareholders of these private companies, in order to pass such assets to his friends and political allies in labor unions, in grave violation of centuries of United States law and legal precedent.

6. War On The Unborn. Beginning with his first official act, The President has removed governmental restrictions which serve to protect the lives of innocent Americans. In so doing, he has forced all tax-paying American citizens to equally participate, many against their will, in financing the forced destruction of human life, thereby denying millions of our fellow American citizens the nation’s most sacred guarantees of “…life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

7. War On The U. S. Constitution – Executive Branch. The President has appointed officials not answerable to the Congress or to the People known as Czars, many with questionable backgrounds and philosophies at odds with traditional American principles of freedom and individual liberty. Not answerable to the people.

We hereby find the above mentioned officials, and their official bodies, to be sitting in violation of their sworn oaths.

We therefore resolve that all such aforementioned Executive and Legislative actions taken by these officials and their official bodies – including any and all regulations and/or legislation issued by such persons or institutions relative to the aforementioned grievances – are found to be without merit, and lacking legal force under the laws of the United States of America.

The Citizens Constitutional Congress does therefore declare and intend that all such referenced official acts and decrees of the United States government have been found by this Congress to be unlawful and are hereby rendered null and void.


The Citizens Constitutional Congress is required, from time to time, to issue Summons or subpoenas for testimony in cases which come before the Congress. The Citizens Constitutional Congress shall issue appropriate fines or other penalties to those persons ignoring such Summons to appear or offer testimony.

Any government official, whether directly elected by the People, or appointed to their official position by such a duly elected official, who is found to be in violation of his or her sworn oath, “to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” or any other person who fails to appear before this Congress when properly issued this Summons to appear, shall be found to be in contempt of The Citizens Constitutional Congress.



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I have 4 children, and many grand kids. I love scrapbooking, cooking with family and friends, painting Rousseau like canvas's, creating glass beaded works of art, collect frogs with crowns. I like to work with people selling property.