Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Babies Born to Unwed Mothers on the Rise

Here are the statistics from the latest research. And I should apologize up front for the harsh nature of this post, but this really burns my ass. These kids deserve better from their parents.

More than 1,700,000 children born to unmarried women in the US in 2007. That represents a 26% increase from 2002. It also represents a 100% increase from 1980.

Unmarried women giving birth now represents 39.7% of all births, which is up from 34%in 2002.

The federal report did not examine the cause of this trend. Which makes me wonder why bother doing the research if you are not going to determine a cause. (Actually, I think they know the cause and don't want to say it)

So in a nutshell - more children in the United States are bastards! I know that word is ugly, but it is accurate. And those children will be more likely to grow up to produce more bastards than before due to the lessening social stigma of childbirth out of wedlock. I remember a guy named Dan Quayle that predicted this very thing due to Hollywood's sensationalizing of a woman named Murphy Brown. Of course having a bunch of slutty moronic actresses running around Hollywood having kids out of wedlock doesn't help things any.

This is a classic example of how moderate social values will conflict with conservative economic values. These kids will far more likely need to be supported by government programs. The mothers are also far more likely to be supported by government programs. The children will be far more likely to face incarceration, fewer job prospects, quit school, etc.

It looks to me like the liberals in Washington have the bastard factories in full swing... Soon enough it will be time to harvest the generation of Americans that have spent their entire life on government subsidy programs.

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