In the liberal bastion of New Jersey they have started hanging little 'Project Porchlight' boxes on doorknobs all across the state. Inside is a note that reads:
"Change a bulb and save. A CFL bulb uses up to 75% less energy than old-fashioned bulbs. Save up to $30 in energy costs. Every light bulb change means less pollution, lower cost and reduced demand for electricity which means healthier, cleaner air, environmental and public health benefits. Be the light in your community. This lamp contains Mercury."
This is paid for with tax dollars.
Are you sick and tired of the out-of-control behavior of the government and just want some common sense?
Saving Freedom
There is at least one politician who gets it out there -- Senator Jim DeMint. He has a new book out, Saving Freedom, which gives an inside look into why we are slipping into socialism and what we can do about it. It's a great conversation and a great book - both should give you hope that there are still some good apples in Congress. The question is, are there enough to stop the massive government tentacles before it's too late?
NY slips in retroactive tax
Glenn is outraged over the latest tax hike in New York - this one was slipped in the middle of a mammoth health care bill of all things. Not only does it raise taxes -- it makes the tax retroactive and they are reaching back to take money earned previously to the passing of the bill. If they can do that, Glenn wonders, does he qualify for state benefits for the times in his life he was broke and didn't receive any?
Slow bleed vs. Slaughter
Glenn talks with best-selling author Brad Thor about his latest book, The Apostle, and about everything going on in the country today. Brad says that while we are getting an onslaught of liberal policies jammed down our throat, he'd actually prefer that to what John McCain would have offered which was still bad, just a slower bleed. Brad prefers the slaughter because in his view, the slaughter will open people’s eyes to the massive government expansion we are residing over. Hopefully he's right -- there's a lot on the line.
Unforced Variations: Mar 2025
This month’s open thread on climate topics. Despite everything going on,
please avoid generic political arguments – there are many other places on
line f...
1 week ago
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